The Horrors of Technology

This blog post has nothing what so ever to do with makeup I just have to write this!

So amongst the things in my life that's not makeup I'm a complete technology freak. And one of the first (or more like the 100th) rules in technology is that when your about to do a large update or change something large on the computer you Should do a back up if anything goes to hell.
This rule does not only apply to computers but everything around technology. If you have an external hard drive you should do a back up on it, if you have an iPad or any tablet you should do a back up AND you should absolutely no matter what do a back up on your smartphone! The horrors you'll feel when you do an update and the phone doesn't work!

So during a lecture today my cellphone wanted to do a System update. It did sound harmful and I decided "Why not, I'm stuck here anyways".
The first thing it told me was "You won't be able to use your phone or make any emergency calls during this update". I thought that if anything were to happen during that lecture there was alot of phones to make emergency calls so I pressed update.
It worked fine and after the update it Tried to restart.... It was on the loading screen forever and then didn't work what so ever! I tried to reboot after reboot but nothing helped it was dead.

When I got home I tried to google any soloutions but the only thing everybody said was to factory reset the phone which I didn't want to do since I haven't done a backup. I tried and tried for two hours and then just left the phone and decided to leave it until tomorrow and if it still didn't work then do a backup (for now it booted I just couldn't use it) and then do the factory reset.
Came back two hours later, looked at the phone and it wanted me to lock up the simcard which I couldn't do before and now the phone works again :D
It's very very slow and some things still is a bit fucked up but all in all it works :)

Postat av: Evelina -

Sv: Vi har itne låtit någon boka ännu, vi vill se om de blir långhåriga först eftersom det spelar ganska stor roll för priset, men vi får hålla kontakten =)

2012-03-18 @ 14:15:36
Postat av: Evelina -

Sv: Hahaha, DET är du nog den första i världen att säga! ^^ Jag har världens tunnaste hår (fast det blev faktiskt lite tjockare av graviditeten, tack för det!) som är alldeles silkigt och därför jättesvårt att göra något med.

Är du fortfarande intresserad av den grå kattungen? Jag känner mig fortfarande osäker på om han blir långhårig eller ej...

2012-04-16 @ 09:11:31
Postat av: Evelina -

Är ni intresserade oavsett pälslängd eller det är långhårigt som gäller?

2012-04-18 @ 14:51:13

Designen är gjord gratis utav


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