Alot of things going on

Sorry for the slight absence lately, I'm on my way to do the next ELF-review but I had exams this week and also IKEA was here to get some inspiration on how to decorate small rooms/apartments.

Tonight I was out on dinner with some friends, watched some movies (and cute baby-pet clips on youtube). Was really tired, but when I walked home I suddenly got really awake again so that's why I'm typing at 3 am :P
My little kitten has been alone for quite awhile now aswell so she "talks" alot and want to play with me, no sleep for me :P I might even tidy my makeup-table since I didn't have the time to do it before IKEA came yesterday (Friday).

Just to give you an idea of how large parts of my makeup looks like when trown in a drawer looks like.
Quite hard to do your makeup when it's thrown like this. But I bought some boxes to try to get everything organized. Only bought two since I didn't know if they'll fit in the drawer, but by the looks of it I think they will.

Tomorrow (today) I'll go on an ice hockey match with some people from my work and we have dinner after it aswell so that'll be fun, and on Sunday it's the first Sunday of Advent so there will be a market in town and also alot of other things going on so I'm planning on go there with my boyfriend just to check it out (and most likely find alot of things to buy). I'm not a Christmas-spirit kind of person, but it's fun nontheless.

Now I'll quit my word-vomiting and do something. Have a nice weekend everyone!


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