
So I know I haven't been writing here for awhile now and I really really wanted to. I've had a cold now for two weeks and in addition to that last week I got another cold that decided to *peep* my sense of balance so now I havn't been able to do much besides lay in bed. Or that's what I'm supposed to do.
To ramble a little bit more about that there's a point in illness where the body tells you to stop, rest and take care of yourself. When you don't it'll get worse and worse untill you do. I'm well past that point and I still force myself to go to school (well only on the mandatory things) and work (not so mandatory but I still do it). Keeping this in mind, when I'm actually home I'm so tired and dizzy that all I can do is sleep or do something that doesn't make me use my head (i.e. watching Grey's Anatomy).

Now I'm feeling a bit more motivated to write so if my boyfriend didn't bring his camera with him I'm going to take pictures of everything I got when I was absence from the blog and do another post about it. Also I'll continue my blog-post about ELF Cream Eye Shadows so I can post that soon aswell.

For now I'm hopeing everybody's doing better than me and haveing a great week!


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